トロントのニューイヤーイブイベント!花火も!(New Year's Eve 2017)
クリスマスも終わり、いよいよ2016年もあとわずか。トロントでは毎年12/31に市庁舎前の広場でNew Year's Eveイベントが行われます。そして2017年はカナダ建国150周年にも当たる特別な年。毎年5万人もの人が訪れると言われるこのイベント、皆さんも友人や恋人と一緒に記念すべき年の始まりを楽しく過ごしてみてはいかがでしょうか?
New Year's Eve - Canada 150 - Special Events Office | City of Toronto
時間:19:00 - 25:00(スケジュールの詳細は公式サイトでご確認下さい)
Nathan Phillips Square
100 Queen St W
7 pm – Skating Party with DJ Shub sponsored by Tim Hortons | Title earning DJ and award-winning producer, formally from A Tribe Called Red takes over the skating rink at Nathan Phillips Square.
8 pm – Nefe | A rising star, this Canadian talent has the soulful power of Tracey Chapman, the uniqueness of Bruno Mars and a voice that can silence a room.
8:45 pm – Exco Levi & High Priest | Jamaican/Canadian musician Exco Levi pays tribute to the founders of reggae music through a modern twist of poetry and sound.
9:30 pm – DJ Shub & performance by techno music producer, Classic Roots.
9:45 pm – Boogat | An MC with a unique artistic approach. His popularity has earned him an ADISQ Felix Award (Quebec) for Best World Music Album and led to songs featured in U.S. films and television shows, including "Homeland." Boogat is Mexican Canadian and will be performing in French and Spanish.
10:30 pm – DJ Shub with live video mixing by new media artist Roxanne Luchak.
10:55 pm – Walk Off the Earth | A multi-talented five-piece musical phenomena who won Group of the Year at the 2016 JUNO Awards. WOTE have built a massive following of dedicated fans from around the world drawn to their honest songwriting, cover interpretations and beautifully filmed videos.
11:55 pm – Countdown to 2017 and Fireworks.